ABC PLUMBING & HEATING of Colorado Springs and Pueblo, Colorado Retail Stores and Service Divisions

Specialists in Sales, Service and Design

Colorado Springs
707 E Fillmore 80907
719 633 0208
Toll Free 1 800 632 0208

101 Spring Street 81003
719 542 5631
Toll Free 1 800 540 5631

Save Water! Save Money!

     Save water and money by adding efficiency to your existing sprinkler system. By changing your existing nozzles to Toro Precision Series Nozzles you save by delivering water directly to the point of use with  more accuracy, precise pattern control, less misting and blow away for decreased water waste. The Toro Precision Series Nozzles fit most Rainbird, Hunter, WeaterMatic, Hit, Orbit and Irritrol spray heads among others. Some utility suppliers like Colorado Springs Utilities offer rebates for installing these water saving nozzles, check with your local utility.